After a very busy and fulfilling year as Mayor David is back to committee work, and keeping this web site up to date.
His committee places are:
Health Scrutiny
The only committee David remained on as Mayor. The key issues are A&E (an issue across the country) and the effect of Stafford on UHNS. There is also concern as the the future of the Combined Health Trust, which provides services for those with mental health issues.
Transformation and Resources
The Scrutiny Committee that looks at budget issues. At his first meeting David led the scrutiny of officers on a financial issue that could cause concern.
HS2 Working Party
There is an overview of David’s current position on HS2 below. The current proposals will be bad for Newcastle. There is still too much uncertainty as to the true benefits of this proposal which we know will cause environmental damage. David is standing for election to the Local Government Association Transport Board, as he is of a view that the LGA should be taking more of a lead on this.
Member Development (Chairman)
Not a committee that will excite the electorate, if members are not well trained and given first class support they will not perform their tasks adequately. Whilst our public web site receives high praise the IT service for members needs further development
Madeley LAP
The local partnership covering Madeley, Onneley, Betley, Balterley and Wrinehill
Politically he remains a conference representative for Newcastle to Lib Dem Conferences.As a member of the pressure group Social Liberal Forum he will challenge some of the current party thinking at the September Conference.