Lib Dem campaigners have welcomed news that the UK Payments Council has reversed its decision to scrap cheques.
The campaign to save the cheque was led by Lib Dem MPs and was backed by thousands of people across the UK.
We want to say a huge thank you to everybody who signed the Lib Dem petition to save the cheque.
” Being able to pay by cheque is especially important for our small businesses, community groups and older people here in the area.
Cheques remain a popular way to pay for millions of people across the UK. Over a billion transactions were made by cheque last year alone.
“This is a great victory for people power and common sense, and proves that the banks cannot afford to ignore the views of their customers.”
The news that the University Hospital of North Staffordshire has restricted the consultant under investigation from seeing patients will restore public confidence in the hospital. Newcastle under Lyme Health Scrutiny is working with Staffordshire Health Scrutiny to get to the bottom of this. We hope to be able to report back in September, in the meantime there is little I can add to what is already in the public domain through the press.
Cllr David Becket
Chairman Newcastle under Lyme Health Scrutiny
The entrance to Wrinehill is a mess. On one side there is the empty Blue Bell and on the other the site of the Garage.
The Borough Council have no enforcement powers to get these sites tidied up. Following discussions with David and Andrew the Borough Council wrote to the owners of the sites to encourage them to, at least, make the sites secure.
Work has started on the Blue Bell site, and that should soon be secure.
The owners of the garage site ignored the council. David has written to them on behalf of the community asking them to make the site secure.
Lib Dems have worked hard to make changes to NHS Bill – Cllr David Becket
David is now appointed as Chairman of the Newcastle under Lyme Health Scrutiny Committee, and as Newcastle’s representative on the Staffordshire Health Scrutiny Committee.
Staffordshire is the statutory Health Scrutiny Committee but the Newcastle has an important role in monitoring specific local issues.
As Chairman of the Newcastle Committee David is looking at ways of improving consultation. A major consultation on the future of mental health services is due soon.
With the opening of a new hospital and major changes due in the NHS scrutiny of the service in North Staffordshire has never had such an important role.
There is a new telephone number for Audley Parish Council
07901 692414
Betley bells are 300 years old this year. Three of the six bells in the tower were installed in 1611.
The Betley Bell Ringers are organising an open day on Saturday July 16th when residents will be able to see the bells and have the art explained. There will be a mini bell tower in the school playground and some hand bell ringing.
We are always looking for local residents to join the team and help to keep this tradition alive.
Both Anne and David are members of the team and you may respond through this web site.
Newcastle under Lyme were declared Local Authority of the year at the annual waste trade show in Torquay on 8th June. In the category the organisers were looking for a local authority who had developed and implemented a successful waste and recycling strategy that demonstrates an increase in recycling uptake and innovation in the way waste is processed.
They were particularly impressed with our increase in recycling rate, our food waste service and the rolling out of a schools programme to encourage school children to recycle at school as well as at home.
Our thanks are due to our staff and the residents of Newcastle under Lyme
The Borough Council will be led by the continued partnership between Liberal Democrats and Conservatives. The cabinet will contain 3 members from each party as in previous years.
After five years running the high profile and successful Environment and Recycling portfolio David decided it was time to withdraw from Cabinet.
On May 18th David was elected to serve as Deputy Mayor for the Borough of Newcastle Under Lyme for the year 2011 – 2012. David’s wife, Dr Anne Becket, will take the position of Deputy Mayoress.